
our services

Each of our services supports our mission of supporting underserved families of the incarcerated by providing meaningful visitation, family assistance, and childrens programs  that achieve positive, evidence-based outcomes.


* VADOC Adult Transportation Services
*VADJJ Juvenile Transportation Services
*At-Home Video Visitation
*Visitor Center Video Visitation


*Family Support Groups
*HEARTY (DJJ Reentry)
*Family Seminar Series
*Emergency Assistance
*Family Reunification House


*The Milk and Cookies Childrens Program serving elementary school students in Richmond City who have an incarcerated loved-one.


*Public Speaking/Presentations
*Trauma-Informed Design

our cause

We are  incredibly grateful for the opportunity to do this important work for those impacted by the incarceration of a loved one.
Each dollar donated helps us to provide programming that changes lives. 
Thank you for believing in our mission.

click here to DONATE TODAY!

Looking for other ways to get involved? We'd Love To Have you Join us! 

If you’re looking for a more hands-on approach with our organization, consider one of the many opportunities to join us in working towards our mission.  Click below to learn more about the opportunities! 

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We are looking forward to staying in contact with you so that you can get all of the latest updates on our programming, on-site advancements, volunteer opportunities, and more!


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