AFOI is serving families of people who are incarcerated, and is one of only a few such programs in the country. Your support of AFOI means that you are taking part in a creative, innovative and direct approach to serving families in need. You are helping to keep families together by making it possible for them to visit loved ones in remote, rural prisons and to better manage the stress and traumas they experience throughout this process. You are also helping our community to reduce crime, lower recidivism rates and increase Virginia’s rates of public safety. Individuals in prison eventually return to our community, over 90% of incarcerated individuals will return to our communities, and statistics show that those who have received regular, supportive visits, and who have maintained supportive contact and connections, while in prison are less likely to re-enter the criminal justice system once they are released.
Keep AFOI in your personal charitable giving plans! We cannot do this
important work without your generosity and financial contributions!
Suggest a gift (financial, in-kind, or otherwise) to AFOI through your church,
synagogue, faith-based organization or civic, or social, group!
Collect and donate items like individual snacks (goldfish, cheezits, oreos, fruit snacks), school supplies, new toys and canned, or non-perishable, food
goods! These items support our programs and provide assistance for the
children and families we serve!
Designate AFOI through your workplace giving program! Many organizations allow employees to direct their contributions to a specific agency - designate
Have program, will travel - provide an awareness opportunity by having AFOI staff come and present at your next faith-based, professional or civic/social event! Educating others on AFOI and our programs and services is critical to our mission, we appreciate all opportunities to come and share with others!
We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to do this important work for those impacted by the incarceration of a loved one.
Each dollar donated helps us to provide programming that changes lives.
Thank you for believing in our mission.